首页 问答列表 写信介绍新学校英语怎么说


第二阙 提问者:第二阙 71 47 分享
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    How can I describe my new school in a letter

    You can start by introducing your new school and providing some general information about it. Then, you can talk about the facilities, the teachers, and the subjects offered. Additionally, you can share your personal experiences and feelings about the school.

    What should I include when describing my new school

    When describing your new school, it is important to include details about the campus, such as its size, location, and surroundings. You should also mention any special features or resources, like libraries, labs, or sports facilities. Furthermore, providing information about the teachers' qualifications and teaching methods can give a better understanding of the school's academic environment.

    How can I express my opinions about the new school

    To express your opinions about the new school, you can use phrases like "I find the teachers at my new school to be highly knowledgeable and supportive" or "The school provides a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, which makes it easy to adapt and make friends." Remember to be specific and provide examples to support your opinions.

    How can I conclude the letter

    In the conclusion, you can summarize your overall impression of the new school. For example, you could say "In conclusion, I am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful educational institution and look forward to all the opportunities it has to offer." You can also express your gratitude for the chance to study in such a great school.

    Can I ask questions in the letter

    Yes, you can definitely ask questions in your letter. This shows your genuine interest and curiosity about the new school. You can ask about extracurricular activities, clubs, or any specific programs that caught your attention. This will demonstrate your eagerness to get involved and make the most out of your time at the school.




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